Friday, December 9, 2011

The Friday Wrap and Galley Giveaway

Galley Giveaway! Tune in tomorrow to see how you can win a bound galley of UP. This is the pre-publication version of the book, it's what goes out in advance to reviewers and media around the country.

But first, tonight...the Friday Wrap.

To tell you the truth, it's hard to remember what happened this week; it's all one big caffeinated blur. I was fairly sick with whatever bug's currently flying around this neck of the New Hampshire woods, but I had so much to do that I tried to run run run regardless. Let's see what my fatigued hippocampus can cough up...

Added some tabs to this blog on Monday; these should make it easier to see which mountains we've hiked, which mountains we want to hike, and how well we're doing with the 101 Things quest.

Spent most of Tuesday sitting in an easy chair and staring off into space, berating myself for not doing something productive while simultaneously ordering my malfunctioning body to take it easy.

Wednesday was Christmas Tree day. The girls and I had planned on cutting down our own this year, but cold, pouring rain prevented us from doing so. Instead, we went to the local tree vendor and bought a farmed balsam. The girls decorated it while I returned to my place in the easy chair and resumed staring off into space.

My health returned on Thursday just in time to accompany the girls on a homeschooling field trip to the NH Museum of History. Topped off the day by having dinner with friends.

Friday (today) was filled with errands and Star Wars shopping for Sage (she's a huge fan).

That's it in a nutshell. Not too bad for a woman who was only occasionally functional.

Come back tomorrow for details on that galley contest...

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