Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday Shout-Out: Goodreads

I love this site. I was referred to it by Jonathan Lazzara at Crown, who thought it would be a good idea for me to set up a Goodreads Author account. He was right, and I have -- but that's not the reason for my enthusiasm.

Reading for pleasure is a luxury I (temporarily) lost long ago. Homeschooling mothers rarely have time to spare; my reading material for the past eight years has therefore largely consisted of children's classics. Our shelves are full of A.A. Milne, Beatrix Potter, Dr. Suess, Laura Ingalls Wilder, L.M. get the idea. Every once in a while, I'd sneak in a popular novel or political biography after the kids had gone to bed, but, for the most part, I simply haven't had the time.

Joining Goodreads fixed all that. I've spent the last couple of weeks perusing the large number of discussion groups; there are so many! Whatever your favorite book/genre/author/topic, Goodreads has at least a few discussion groups about it. I chose a few that suited my interests and joined the conversations, and I'm having a blast. Furthermore, my days are now rescheduled so I always have time to read for pleasure. I can't believe it took me so long to join or to get myself back into the wonderful habit of reading for fun.

If you like books, then join Goodreads. Truly wish I had discovered this site long ago.

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