Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday Things -- Movie Roundup

Between a killer karate class last night and a strenuous hike with the girls today, I'm beat.  Today's Thursday Things will be short -- I'll be back tomorrow with the Friday Wrap.

First, however, the recent publicity news:

Up: A Mother and Daughter's Peakbagging Adventure is featured in this month's Boston Parents Paper!  The write-up can be found on page 14.  We're honored and thrilled to be included in this Mother's Day edition!

A list of all press coverage and reviews for UP can be found here.

Thursday Things -- Movie Roundup

The girls and I have been picking away at our movie list for 101 Things in 202 Thursdays.  During the last four weeks, we've watched The Wizard of Oz (#3), E.T. (#16), Ratatouille (#29), Monsters, Inc. (#39), and Kung Fu Panda (#90).  We also started on our documentary list and viewed Spellbound (#46) and Stop Making Sense (#80). 

Here are our (extremely brief) reviews of each of the above:

Wizard of Oz -- Loved the songs and dancing.  Wish the "The Dainty China Country" chapter had been included (read the book!)  Three out of three thumbs.

E.T. -- A bit frightening in the beginning, but then funny and sweet.  Three out of three thumbs.

Ratatouille -- Witty, great story, excellent animation.  What's not to like?  Three out of three thumbs.

Monsters, Inc. -- Great concept, fun to watch.  Roz steals the show.  Three out of three thumbs.

Kung Fu Panda -- Cute and entertaining, but not particularly witty or intelligent.  Two and a half thumbs.

Spellbound -- The girls loved watching a documentary about kids.  They liked each of the contestants and found the concept of a spelling bee very interesting.  Three out of three thumbs.

Stop Making Sense -- The girls enjoyed this concert film for about half an hour, then they got bored.  I'm a Talking Heads fan, so I loved it.  One out of three thumbs.

Told you this was going to be quick.  I'm off to bed now -- see you in the morning for the Friday Wrap.

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