Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday Things: My Bookshelf Overfloweth

Latest Publicity News:  Books for Better Living has posted "Five Questions for UP's Patricia Ellis Herr." 

Up: A Mother and Daughter's Peakbagging Adventure -- For the full list of reviews, press, and events, click here.

Yesterday, we accomplished an amazing feat -- we finished reading all the books in the house (#25).  This was a huge deal because we had about a gazillion hardcovers and paperbacks scattered throughout every room.

Going through the books was a bittersweet experience.  It was difficult to hear Sage say she's no longer interested in Peter Rabbit, but it was lovely watching Alex reread Charlotte's Web.  I got better acquainted with my Poe collection, and that dusty stack of The Old Farmer's Almanac finally got recycled.

Everything's nice, neat, and orderly now...though I doubt it will stay that way for long.  The girls and I love to read read read, and volumes get moved about and left all over the place.  A little disorder is good for the soul, though.  A house that's too neat can't be a true home.

That's it for today -- another short and sweet entry.  By the way, I realize my posts have been incredibly brief lately.  My works-in-progress have kept me busy, and I've been involved with promoting UP.  Once the dust clears, I'll return to my typical verbose self.

Happy hiking, folks.  I'll post again tomorrow with The Friday Wrap.

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