Friday, January 13, 2012

The Friday Wrap

This week flew by!  Hard to believe it's Friday already.

Let's see...the girls and I finished creating a new New Hampshire hiking list, The Terrifying Twenty-Five, we threw ourselves back into full-time homeschooling (which was a bit of a shock after our nice, long Christmas break), and, tonight, Alex and I are preparing to hike our 31st winter 4K.  We had hoped to do a slew of mountains this weekend, but the Upper Summits Forecast calls for no visibility,   -40 wind chills, and all-around inhuman hiking conditions.  The mountain we'll do tomorrow is the tamest we have left on our list.  Even so, we'll be in full winter gear (minus crampons), and I'll probably stick a chemical body warmer or two on Alex's base layers.

Have a great weekend, everyone.

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