Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Takeaway, The AMC, and The Monday Muse ("Listmania")

Please join us at one of our next booksigning events:

April 25, 7pm: Water Street Bookstore, Exeter, NH

April 28, 7pm: Father Roger Bilodeau Community Center, Lincoln, NH (hosted by Steve Smith of The Mountain Wanderer Map and Book Store)

The latest press for Up: A Mother and Daughter's Peakbagging Adventure:

On May 11, the girls and I will be on the national morning news program, The Takeaway.  Our ten-minute (live!) interview will take place between 7 and 8am.

Up: A Mother and Daughter's Peakbagging Adventure is currently featured on Appalachian Mountain Club's, Great Kids, Great Outdoors.

The Monday Muse: Listmania

Lots of folks have asked the girls what they plan on doing next, now that both have finished the NH4Ks

Sage will casually work her way through the 52WAV, and Alex will eventually finish Trailwrights.  Both want to pursue The Terrifying 25.

Highpointing is another goal, though, of course, I can't predict how far we'll get on that list.  Eventually, the girls and I will need to acquire advanced mountaineering skills.  As of right now, Sage has every intention of acquiring those skills and going for all 50 highpoints.  Alex, however, isn't sure she wants to ascend mountains that require ropes and ice axes.  We'll take things year by year and see what happens. 

One thing I know for sure, however, is that we are not going to try to finish any of the above lists by any particular date.  The past four years have been wonderful -- it's been a pleasure taking each of the girls hiking and watching them ascend New Hampshire's 48 highest mountains.  However, both girls hiked the NH4Ks with self-imposed age deadlines hanging over their heads.  That was their doing -- Alex wanted to finish before she turned seven, and I supported her.  Next, Sage wanted to finish at a younger age than Alex did, so I supported her (with Alex's blessing).  Finally, Alex wanted to finish the winter 4Ks while she was nine...so I supported her.  Now, no one's trying to finish any list by any certain age...and life feels so much more relaxed!

We took a four week break from hiking after Alex finished the winter 4Ks.  Hopefully, we'll get back on the trails this week.  We've got boulder caves to explore and rock slides to climb.  :)

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