Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Black Mountain (52WAV, Jackson). May 20, 2014

Black Mtn. Ski Trail, 3.5  miles roundtrip.

Yesterday, we saw the wonderful A.R.T. production of Shakespeare's The Tempest.  Since we had to be in Cambridge, MA by late afternoon, we elected to cross off a short, easy 52WAV in the morning.

This Friday, we'll do a longer hike...then the girls and I are headed overseas for various reasons unrelated to hiking.  There, we'll keep up our exercise (though it won't be hiking), then, when we get back to NH, we'll hike mountains three days a week until it's time to board a plane for California.  Sage would like to finally finish the 52WAV list (she's been casually working on it since she was four), and Alex would like to finally finish the peaks on the Trailwrights 72 list (she's been casually working on those since she was six).  We figure finishing those lists in six short weeks will be an excellent way to get in shape for the John Muir Trail.

Black Mountain (in Jackson, NH) is a short, moderately steep trek up a local ski mountain.  There's a cabin 0.4 miles from the top...I took a fabulous picture on my iPhone of the girls by the cabin, with the snow-capped Presidentials in the background...but then I accidentally deleted that photo (and three fabulous other images) before I had a chance to copy it (and them) to this blog.  Arg arg arg.  Here are the four photos I managed not to delete.

Starting out

Cabin ahead


This was an enjoyable walk.  We look forward to Friday, when we'll take on a more traditional, longer hike.  Then, once mid-June hits, we'll be all over the Whites knocking down peaks right and left until we leave for the John Muir Trail in August.

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