Thursday, August 5, 2010

Highpoint: Wisconsin. Timm's Hill (1951.5 ft). July 26, 2010

Our next stop was Timm's Hill, the highpoint of Wisconsin. The trail leading to the top is only a half-mile long; the girls and I ran the entire way.

There are two towers at the highpoint. Here's the first, which we easily climbed.

Views from the top of Wisconsin...

Here's the second tower, seen from the top of the first one.

We chose not to climb this one, since one little misstep will send you plummeting to the ground.

The marker's right underneath the second tower...

Mission accomplished, we ran back down the hill, jumped in our Honda, and drove to Chicago, where we met Hugh for a three day break.

Next highpoint: Michigan's Mt. Arvon.

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