Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy Legs Are Here Again

Woo-hoo!  My leg feels fine and dandy.  Had a visit with my local -- and most excellent -- sports med doc yesterday afternoon.  All I need to do is keep doing what I've been doing these past few weeks -- mainly, stretching.  He gave me a few new stretches to go with the old ones.  He also told me I should use hiking poles on a regular basis, to slow the progression of arthritis.

Two days ago, I did a five-mile hike up and down some hills near my house.  Yesterday, I walked a few flat miles and rode a stationary bike for half an hour.  Nothing hurt.  YES!

Monday, I'll head back into the woods and take on some mountain miles.  A week from tomorrow, the girls and I will summit a peak or two.

It feels good to feel GOOD again.

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