Friday, June 3, 2016

Hancocks, Tom Field Willey, and Garfield in May 2016

I am behind with my posts!  Just got back from a wonderful trip out west for Mt. Hood and then we went to an amazing conference in southern NH with Women Outdoors.

I'm going to put the photos for these three May NH hikes in this one post, then I will post two additional posts tomorrow detailing our Mt. Hood climb and our experience at the Women Outdoors conference.

Please note Alex has written trip reports on her blog for the NH hikes...the photos below are simply my way of record keeping.  Go to her blog for the actual TRs.

Hancocks.  May 9, 2016

Ice going up the south summit, and a bit between the peaks, but otherwise, fairly dry.

Here's Alex's TR.

Dry at the start

The ice begins

North Hancock

Heading up South Hancock

On South Hancock

Heading over to North Hancock

At the lookout on North Hancock

Water near the bottom of North Hancock...this area is usually dry

Tom, Field, and Willey.  May 15, 2016

A day of rain, snow, sleet, and hail.  Good times.  :)

Here is Alex's TR.

Garfield.  May 31, 2016

Gorgeous day -- no more ice!  Alex will have a TR for this one on her blog soon.

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